We’re back!
Reporting from Big Rock Urban Eatery after the first meeting of the newly elected Vancouver City Council. We discuss the swearing in ceremony and Kennedy Stewart’s address, the seating and procedures of the council, “the spirit of cooperation” that’s taken hold over the council and a secret ice cream motion.
Then we turn our attention to the rest of the region, namely Surrey where Doug McCallum is already making big moves on replacing the RCMP and LRT.
Finally, we talk about Cambie Street’s hostile architecture in our Vancouveratta.
Join Ian at the Politics and Podcasts panel at VanPodFest on Thursday at 2pm and then join PolitiCoast at The Drive Coffee Bar to watch the PR debate on Thursday at 6pm.
As always, consider becoming a supporter on Patreon to keep the show going.
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FYI, it’s not hostile architecture if you actually need the vent to be not blocked for a functional purpose. That’s just an architect or engineer actually making sure that their ventilation works and isn’t blocked.
Hostile architecture is when you’re just making it unfriendly to the homeless because you don’t want them there.