Live Show Announcement
Our next live show is on Thursday, July 19 at 7pm at The Belmont
Pay-what-you can tickets on EventBrite or RSVP on Facebook
Patti Bacchus is the Georgia Straight K-12 Education Columnist and past Vision Vancouver School Board Trustee and the VSB’s longest serving chair. She joins Patrick and Ian to talk about what the role of trustees and the school board are and what some of the past and current issues.
This interview was cut down for time. To hear the full interview, join our Patreon.
In the news, we catch up on chaos at the Vancouver Green’s nomination meeting, the launch of Hector Bremner’s Yes Vancouver (not to be confused with YES! Vancouver), Jean Swanson getting arrested, the proposed gas tax increase, the New Westminster & District Labour Council’s decision to endorse Mike Hurley over incumbent Burnaby mayor Derek Corrigan and whether the German report has sunk Rich Coleman’s mayoralty hopes.
Finally, in Vancovueratta, Ian talks about the Templeton Five.
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